Sunday, August 24, 2014

Site Updates

I know I moved to this site not very long ago, and have had much success with Blogspot, but the needs of my company have changed, and we've had to move again. This blog will stay up for some time, though I cannot give a definitive date as to when it will be taken down. For now, you can still read past posts and make any shop purchases. I will update here one last time when the shop section has made it's transition.

You can access all of this content at from now on. Please don't forget to update your blog reader/RSS feed! Bug and I still want to carry on our conversation with you!

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Free Knitting Needle Size Conversion Chart Printable

I like to think that more people are bridging that international gap through G+ hangouts, Ravelry, Sykpe, etc.

Maybe it's just me and my online social circle, I don't know. There are a few folks that I absolutely love to "hangout" with that are not in the US, and this poses a problem when it comes to questions like, "Oh, that's a beautiful pattern, what size needle does it use?"

And then I say whatever US size it takes... and they don't know what the heck I'm talking about because they're on metric. I scoured the internet for a few minutes and found several needle conversion charts, but none of them were pretty, and they all had ads on the pages. I like my work/play space to be pretty, so I made up my own chart and thought that maybe someone else would like to have one handy for all their international knit together needs.

This is my first time offering a free printable, so hopefully I don't screw this up:

If you have any issues downloading or printing the chart, please let me know and I will get them fixed ASAP

Monday, August 18, 2014

Myrtle Sew along

I'm a bit late in posting this because I've been super busy, but a few weeks ago I joined a sew along over on

Remember the secret new pattern that I posted about? Well, I got an email from the designer's newsletter letting everyone know that there would be a sew along for it, and I went and signed up right away. Unfortunately, it took me a bit longer to get the money for fabric together than I would have liked. (That's always the case isn't it?) So I just got my fabric for it at the end of last week, and I'm almost positive I should have been starting the sewing for it by then.

By the way, how do you write sew along? Is it indeed "sew along" or is it sew a long, or sewalong, or sew-a-long? Ever notice how if you stare at the word "along" long enough it looks wrong?

Anyway, I ended up getting two fabrics. One as the muslin for it, because I've never sewn knit fabric and I'd rather ruin the cheaper of the two first. :p

           This dusty rose has more of an antique look to it in person, but believe it or not, it only cost me about $4 per yard, and when you need three yards, that's a wonderful deal! So, this is my muslin, and here's hoping everything fits wonderfully and I'll have two different colors of this dress.

This is the color I actually ended up choosing. I know that it's not a color I picked before from that post, but I couldn't find any jersey knit in those colors, except the white, and I couldn't decide because green looks fabulous on me! So, I let my husband pick for me. Aren't I nice?

Today I'm going to finally get around to washing my fabric and tracing my pattern pieces, and then cutting them out, while reading the sew along posts so I know what I've got coming.


PS- We got a new kitten on Saturday, and boy does she make writing blog posts difficult!

Bailey Gwyndolynn

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Belated Fiber Friday: Phoenix Fyre

I forgot to make my post yesterday, because the day before my husband brought home a new (to me) desk. Unfortunately, it was all black and I really dislike black furniture, because it makes me depressed and at least for me, gives off that "college dorm" vibe. I've had more than my fair share of the black furniture, because hey, we need furniture, and it's cheap, readily available, and did I mention cheap?

The caveat to that amazing cheapness is that when you move around as much as we do, you're usually having to replace it. It's cheap in quality as well as price.

Anyway. This desk is probably not quite as cheap as the too-many-to-count book cases we've had to replace, but our neighbor is moving to Korea for duty, and his family cannot go with him, so they needed to unload some furniture. LOVE when that happens. :) We got it for a great price, and happened to have a mostly full quart of paint in one of my favorite colors (currently) to decorate with. A quick coat of paint in a dry brush technique... and by quick I mean it took me 6 hours total to get the whole thing painted, not including dry time between some pieces that needed two coats due to the paint beading up.

My new desk!!

So this is what I was doing most of the day yesterday. We got it moved into the house and I had just enough time to relax for about 30 minutes before getting ready to head out for dinner with some new friends, and their adorable, spiky haired three months old daughter. Obviously, it's not most of my stuff put back on it, but you can totally play "what's she working on?" and "spot the kitty."

The real reason you're here, is because of the new yarn. I am progressing into making some smaller dye lot colorways because it's fun. And why put a dye lot indicator on my label if I'm not going to use it?

Phoenix Fyre
Image courtesy of

Phoenix Fyre is made in the Puck base, and can be found in the shop here.